Funny Jokes For Kids To Tell At School Biography
Source Link ( out these special school joke categories for more education jokes for kids:
Geography Jokes
History Jokes
Math Jokes
Teacher Jokes
Here is the list of the rest of our school jokes, puns, and riddles for children and kids:
Q: What did the ground say to the earthquake?
A: You crack me up!
Q: Why did the music teacher need a ladder?
A: To reach the high notes.
Q: What's the worst thing you're likely to find in the school cafeteria?
A: The Food!
Q: What kind of plates do they use on Venus?
A: Flying saucers!
Q: Why did nose not want to go to school?
A: He was tired of getting picked on!
Q: How do you get straight A's?
A: By using a ruler!
Q: What did the pen say to the pencil?
A: So, what's your point!
Q: Why did the kid study in the airplane?
A: Because he wanted a higher education!
Q: How did the music teacher get locked in the classroom?
A: His keys were inside the piano!
Q: What do elves learn in school?
A: The elf-abet!
Q: What did you learn in school today?
A: Not enough, I have to go back tomorrow!
Q: What holds the sun up in the sky?
A: Sunbeams!
Q: What object is king of the classroom?
A: The ruler!
Q: When do astronauts eat?
A: At launch time!
Q: What did the pencil sharpener say to the pencil?
A: Stop going in circles and get to the point!
Q: How does the barber cut the moon's hair?
A: E-clipse it!
Q: What happened when the wheel was invented?
A: It caused a revolution!
Q: What do librarians take with them when they go fishing?
A: Bookworms
Q: What is the world's tallest building?
A: The library because it has the most stories.
Q: What vegetables to librarians like?
A: Quiet peas.
Q: Why did the clock in the cafeteria run slow?
A: It always went back four seconds.
Q: Why didn't the sun go to college?
A: Because it already had a million degrees!
Funny Jokes For Kids To Tell At School

Funny Jokes For Kids To Tell At School

Funny Jokes For Kids To Tell At School

Funny Jokes For Kids To Tell At School

Funny Jokes For Kids To Tell At School

Funny Jokes For Kids To Tell At School

Funny Jokes For Kids To Tell At School

Funny Jokes For Kids To Tell At School

Funny Jokes For Kids To Tell At School

Funny Jokes For Kids To Tell At School

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