Super Funny Jokes For Kids Biography
Source Link ( Puns
1. Why did the chicken cross the playground?
-To get to the other slide.
2. What do you call a pig that knows karate?
- A pork chop!
3. Why do bees have sticky hair?
-Because they use honeycombs.
4. Why was the man running around his bed?
-He wanted to catch up on his sleep.
5. What does a robot frog say?
-Rib-bot. (Said in your best robot voice)
6. Why is 6 afraid of 7?
-Because 7 8 9!
7. What's black and white, black and white, black and white?
-A penguin rolling down a hill!
8. Why do cows wear bells?
-Because their horns don't work!
9. What does a snail say when it's riding on a turtle's back?
10. How did the barber win the race?
-He knew a short cut.
Knock Knock Jokes
11. Knock, knock.
-Who's there?
-Boo who?
Please don't cry. It's only a joke.
12. Knock, knock.
-Who's there?
-Nobody who?
(Stay silent)
13. Knock, knock.
-Who's there?
Interrupting cow.
-Interrupting c..
(Can be used with any animal. Just interrupt the other person with the corresponding animal noise!)
14. Knock, knock.
-Who's there?
Cows say.
-Cows say who?
No silly, cows say moo!
15. Knock, knock.
-Who's there?
Owls say.
-Owls say who?
16. Knock, knock.
-Who's there?
-Tank who?
You're welcome!
17. Knock, knock.
-Who's there?
Little old lady.
-Little old lady who?
I didn't know you could yodel!
More Kid-Tested Jokes
18. What is brown and sticky?
-A stick!
Deborah from Learn With Play At Home
19. Why did half a chicken cross the road?
- To get to his other side!
JDaniel4'sMom from JDaniel4sMom
20. What's mom and dad's favorite ride at a fair?
- A married-go-round!
Henry son of Laura from PlayDrHutch
21. Where do cows go on Friday night?
- To the MOOOvie theater.
Krissy from B-Inspired Mama
22. What did zero say to eight?
- Nice belt!
Danielle from Mommy and Me Book Club
23. Where do sheep get their wool cut?
- At the BAAAbars!
Deborah from Learn With Play At Home
24. Knock, knock.
-Who's there?
-Banana who?
Knock, knock.
-Who's there?
-Banana who?
Knock, knock.
- Who's there?
-Orange who?
Orange you glad I didn't say banana again?
Danielle from 52 Brand New
25. Where did the king keep his armies?
- In his sleevies!
Kristin from Sense of Wonder
26. Where do library books like to sleep?
- Under their covers!
Kim from Adventures in Reading with Kids
27. Why can't a bicycle stand up by itself?
- Because it's two-tired!
From The Iowa Farmer's Wife
28. Knock, knock.
- Who's there?
- Yourself who?
Your cell phone's ringing you better answer it.
From The Iowa Farmer's Wife
29. How do you make a tissue dance?
- Put a little boogie in it.
Kate from Picklebums
30. Knock, knock.
- Who's there?
Smell mop.
- Smell mop who?
(Potty humor at it's finest)
Rachelle from Tinkerlab
Super Funny Jokes For Kids

Super Funny Jokes For Kids
Super Funny Jokes For Kids
Super Funny Jokes For Kids
Super Funny Jokes For Kids

Super Funny Jokes For Kids

Super Funny Jokes For Kids

Super Funny Jokes For Kids

Super Funny Jokes For Kids

Super Funny Jokes For Kids

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